

  • Justin is the American
  • designer whose
  • signature vision
  • elevates custom
  • aquarium installations
  • to a new aesthetic.

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Justin on

  • June 14, 2011
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  • Posted By Justin @ 9:55 AM

Recently Justin sat down with Rosalind Resnick of to talk about his business and the path he took that led to the founding of City Aquarium. The article, which appears today on, details everything from Justin's early life (catching lobsters off the coast of Massachusetts) to his business habits and policies, such as:

"Pick your projects carefully. Muir says he's very selective about taking on projects because, as his company's lead designer, there's only so much work that he personally can do.

"A lot of doctors' offices and hospitals call me, and I just don't bother," Muir says. "To make $1,000 off a tank that is going to require the same amount of time as a tank that will make me $25,000 is not worth it to me."

Be prepared to be on call 24/7. Even as his company has grown to 10 employees, Muir's clients pay for his specific expertise in maintaining aquariums. He makes himself available 24/7 to handle client issues and emergencies.

"My clients love their [exotic fish]," Muir says. "They become pets, so, when a fish becomes sick, they become very upset. They want to talk to me."

Closely monitor cash reserves. Luxury businesses like Muir's rely heavily on referrals and it can take months of meetings, presentations and contract negotiations before the client sends you a check. That's why Muir says it's important to have a steady flow of deals in the pipeline and conserve cash to tide you over when business is slow."

To read the entire article, please click here.

Signing off,

Brian Sanders

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