

  • Justin is the American
  • designer whose
  • signature vision
  • elevates custom
  • aquarium installations
  • to a new aesthetic.

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City Aquarium creates custom aquariums that are works of art.

  • January 20, 2005
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  • Posted By Justin @ 12:32 PM

City Aquarium creates custom aquariums that are works of art. Since 1998, City Aquarium has the distinction of working with interior and furniture designers, architects, sculptors, marine biologists, as well as visual artists so that its aquaria and water pools become organic installations of water, light, space, and marine life. City Aquarium specializes in original, site-specific projects that reflect the clients' imaginative choices.

City Aquarium designers personally select all of the livestock to correspond with each individual installation. Representing the most exquisite sea life from around the world, City Aquarium livestock selections can include eel, shark, jellyfish, coral, marine and freshwater fish, and live rock.

The City Aquarium team has created residential and commercial installations as well as exhibits all over the world. Its diversity of client's include New York's Majestic "Dream" Hotel, hedge fund developers, world-class museums, plastic surgeon Dr. Allen Rosen, Tony Oursler, celebrities, the Honda Corporation, and New York nightclubs such as The Coral Room and Duvet.

City Aquarium also has one of the largest professional service and maintenance programs in the New York tri-state area. The maintenance staff includes both marine and freshwater biologists who are available 24 hours a day, every day of the week. City Aquarium is fully bonded and insured.


City Aquarium Installation: The Dream Hotel

  • January 18, 2005
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  • Posted By Justin @ 12:31 PM

Dreams do come true. New York City will experience a new way to experience air, water, and light by visiting the Dream Hotel's new world-class aquarium designed by Justin Muir's City Aquarium. Standing near a stoic copper sculpture of Catherine the Great (c. 1915), City Aquarium's new installation rises over twenty feet, and holds 7,000 gallons of water.

The Dream Aquarium is the largest of its kind in New York. It invites visitors and hotel guests to wonder how far the imagination can reach, how far it can dream. It invites the senses to feel the connection between luxury and fantasy. The Aquarium's high design concept represents a collaboration with hotelier Vikram Chatwal, fashion surrealist David LaChapelle, and spiritualist Deepak Chopra's collective vision so that the rising column of water, light, color, and marine life seduces the viewer to float through a Dream.

City Aquarium's Dream installation completes the hotel lobby's design elements of 1940s style seating, hard-carved lions, and vaulted glass ceilings. Angelfish inside the Dream Aquarium suggest the possibility of heaven on earth and then he surreal experience approaches the fourth dimension: water seems suspended in air.
